Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Bane of Fall

Fall is upon us! 

It is joy to my soul!

The bright colored leaves! So beautiful!

I wish this season lasted longer.

It's the perfect time of year to get photos of the girls.

They are getting so grown up. Miss Emma is a freshman and Miss Sofia is a senior preparing for college! YIKES!! Where did the time go?? -sigh


The crunch of dried leaves under foot when I go for a walk! Does anyone else think that is the best sound EVER?? 

It makes me giddy!

And the crisp cool weather! 

Time for hot cider and sweaters and bonfires and cozy mittens...

...which, by the way, you can purchase in my new etsy shop. They're handmade by me out of felted wool sweaters and cozy fleece. You can just click on the shop button to take a look. I add new ones regularly. Just sayin'. You know, in case you're in the market for mittens and need some new ones for yourself, or as a gift. Hope that didn't seem pushy, but this mama's got a girl heading to college before too long and college ain't cheap! 

Eh hem. As I was saying...

Fall sunsets are spectacular!

Oooooh Aaaahhhh

What's not to love about fall.

Well, I'm gonna tell you!

This glorious riot of pink, 

which is so spectacular in the springtime becomes the bane of our existence in the fall. 

This season has been the worst!

Those gorgeous blossoms become these crabapples.

Because of these crabapples we cannot enjoy our back patio from the end of August until the end of October.

They cover everything!

They pelt you on the head as they fall from the tree!

They squish underfoot when you walk in the yard.

They are a NUISANCE!!

The Husband gathered seven -SEVEN!- wheelbarrows full of crab apples this year.


Double UGH!!

Every fall we discuss removing this tree.

Every spring it does this!


It's so beautiful!  

We tell ourselves that it really does offer nice shade in the summer. That it's not so bad.

And we keep it.

Then, in the fall, it betrays us!

We're back to this! - SNORT

It's a vicious cycle! -BAH

I think I just need to put on my cozy mittens and go for a walk and crunch some leaves!

Happy Fall!


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