Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The First Date

We knew this day was drawing near.

The Husband and I had discussed it quite a bit.

We planned.

We prepared.

But at the last minute I wanted to say, "I want to be there too!"

But that wasn't how this was going to go.

My struggle was that I'm the one who's done the majority of the day in and day out. I'm the one who's been home with the skinned knees...wiping away the tears. 

I've cuddled and giggled and given the hugs. I've been there from toddling to wearing high heels! I've gone from wiping messy faces to teaching how to wear makeup! That's been my job. But I wanted to be part of this too!! -whine-

This was a job for Dad however. A job for the one who courageously protects their hearts. The one who loves them with strength and boldness. This is Dad's job. I. Must. Let. Go.

We, the Husband and I, had decided long ago that when our girls turned sixteen years old, the Husband would take them on their first date. That before any young man decided to tell our girls how special or beautiful he thought they were, the Husband, our girls' dad, would make it very clear, in case they hadn't gotten it by now, how special and beautiful they were in his eyes and how deeply loved they were by their Dad. He also wanted to show our girls how a young man should treat a young lady! That's right!

And so it was that days before her sixteenth birthday, the Husband asked Sofia out on a date. He planned to take her out to dinner.

She was so excited!

They got all spiffed up!

Awwww! I held it together man! No tears! But I did make the Husband promise to send me photos throughout their evening.

Apparently dinner was very good!

The Husband had two gifts to bestow on Miss Sofia that night, a letter he had painstakingly written to her as well as a Claddagh ring.

In the letter he poured out his heart!

He told her how proud he is of her. precious she is to him. glad he is to be her Dad. much he loves his girl.

My favorite photo...the look on her face after she read the letter!

I think it was exactly what every young woman needs to hear from her Dad.

Fortunately the Husband pulled out the ring quickly thereafter, dispelling any tears that were threatening to fall right there in public!

Still wish I could have been there, but without a doubt it was important for the Husband to give these gifts to our girl. It was a job well done!

Now he has three years to recover before he gets to do it all over again!


1 comment:

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Oh my goodness, that is PRECIOUS. I love a good man who loves his daughters well.