Monday, May 20, 2013

A Very Full Weekend

Friday was full of thankfulness.

Thankful that my dear friend Amy, after spending a night in the hospital because of a concern about possible infection, was infection free! Thank you Lord!!

Thankful that, shortly after being released from the hospital, Amy had the energy to make it to, and with her family be part of the survivor's walk in the opening ceremonies of the Relay for Life both of our daughters participated in at their high school.

Thankful too for all of the high school students who participated in this event!

Together they raised $130,000 for the American Cancer Society! Way to go!!

And very thankful that it did not rain!!

Saturday was full of love and encouragement!

With a bit of spur of the moment planning, a group of loved ones gathered to show their love to Amy and her family.

Amy's amazing sister Christy took this group photo as well as many others to document the day.

I brought my camera with the intent of taking lots of photos.

I only took a few. 

Sadly one was of my food.

In my defense the food was delicious! 

The outpouring of love took my breath away! My camera was forgotten and left to hang from my shoulder as I took it all in. Thank goodness Christy kept her wits about her!

Love and encouragement and hugs are good for the soul!

Sunday was full of celebration.

Our sweet Miss Emma Bean turned 12!! Whoop Whoop!!

Happy Birthday Miss Emma Bean!!

Oh how I love that girl! She is a joy! She is tender hearted, and strong willed, and oh how she makes me laugh!

For her birthday, Miss Emma Bean asked to go bowling. Some of us bowled better than others, eh hem, but we all had fun, and we laughed, and we all wore stinky bowling shoes.

 And per her request, we ate Whoopie Pies!

A very full weekend indeed!


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