Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Lasts

I was dragging my feet to the end of the school year this year. I'm talking heels dug in. Knuckles white from holding on to the last few weeks of school, not wanting to let them out of my grasp. 

I just wasn't ready for it to end!!

Because this is the year, my oldest, my first born, my Miss Sofia graduated!!

The Husband and I are so stinkin' proud of her.

I just can't believe that she and her friends are all grown up and ready to head off to college! WHAT??

This was it. This was the last day of high school. The LAST!!

There have been so many lasts.

This is the last first day of school photo I will ever take of all four of these kiddos together.

The last time Miss Sofia and Miss Emma will be at the same school together. 

Sofia's last prom.

Was this the last time she'll ever ask me to do her hair for an event? They've been having me do their hair for a lot of years now. 

When was the last time she let me put her hair in pig tails?

And when was the last time the kiddos played Legos on the porch??

Or one of the girls wanted to hold my hand, or climb up onto my lap???


I find myself thinking about these "lasts" quite a lot lately and my eyes well up with tears. 

It all seemed to go by so fast. 

And no matter how hard I tried to hold on, time marched forward - stupid time!

And here we are. Our oldest has graduated and she's ready to head for college in the fall.

I'm crazy excited for her. I'm bursting with pride for all she has accomplished! And I'm working on being okay with the lasts and celebrating all of her new firsts. 

At least, I intend to work on being okay. 


Maybe tomorrow. 

Excuse me. I need a tissue!


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