Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hosta baby!

My flower gardens are full of Hosta.

From the large (the leaves on this one are about the size of a dinner plate)...

to the small, (the leaves on this one are about the size of the bottom of my mocha cup) I like them all.

One of the best things about Hosta is that they are easy to divide and share. 

This beauty came from my parents.

There are only a few Hosta that I have actually purchased. I found this one at the Farmer's Market. I thought it's variegated leaves were stunning.

I did not know, at the time that I got it, that some variegated Hostas can revert back to being non-variegated.

Look at that! Every year a few more leaves pop up completely green. Who knew? Not me! Oh well, I still like it.

A girlfriend, who moved away, shared this Hosta with me. I miss her. I think of her every time I look at this plant. It is the most fantastic shade of green.

If I continue to add Hostas, I'm going to need to create another garden bed. Fortunately the Husband is very accommodating every time I suggest creating a new garden area. He does all of the sod removal and digging. I do the weeding, fertilizing and plant care.

When I tell him I want to create a new garden, he tends to mull it over for a few minutes. He has to consider the work involved in setting up a new garden plot. The one time set up of a new garden always wins over the regular mowing of the grass in the same area. New garden=less mowing=new garden for me! YAY! 

Yep, the Husband is very smart. I like him. I would totally marry him!

The Husband has recently begun to consider other ways of reducing his mowing. He has decided that a basketball court in the middle of the back yard would be good. I'm not so sure I like this plan.

And really, it isn't necessary. The neighbors have a perfectly good basketball hoop in their driveway. They would gladly allow him to play anytime he wants. Although there was a little mishap the other weekend while they were backing their camper into their driveway and the basketball hoop suffered a bit of a crunch. Drat! That is definitely an argument in the Husband's favor.

Anyway, I like Hosta, the Husband likes less mowing. We're a perfect match!


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